Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hair Masterpiece

I did this to Kennedy's hair when she was about 8 months old.  Her hair has changed so much lately, I haven't been able to do it much like this since then.  You may ask, did she really sit there and allow me to do this?  And the answer is YES!  But you have to remember that I have been putting rubber bands or doing something to her hair since she was born.  So this isn't anything new.  But it did take about 15 minutes.   The funny thing is, is really how many 8 month old babies do you know that can have their hair done like this?

        Sorry that it is blurry.

She also got her first hair cut on Jan 9 by my cousin Keri.  There was about an inch cut off.  I just had her hair cut again on Easter Sunday.  There was onlu about 1/4 inch this time.

Then for my other cousin Megan for her wedding day, I put her hair in sponge rollers.

Finished product.  Oh, yoy may ask who is the girl holding her. 
That is my brother's friend Jordyn.


  1. it just isn't fair that you can do all that cool stuff already with her hair. I can only get a little pony in Kambries but I guess I'm doing better than when Kysha was her age I still couldn't do anything with it.

  2. I think that you should do cornrows one of these days...that would be fantastic! :)

  3. Cute hair, I love the curly! ....and I'm glad she's getting her regular trims :)

  4. Just wait when they decide that they don't want there hair done anymore. You'll find the quickest way to the finishing product. Believe I know from the experience of the three.

  5. You must love that she has hair. My girls took forever to get hair and it is so thin.
