Monday, August 4, 2014

June 2012

I took Lexi and Kennedy to get their pictures done. Lexi was getting her blessing pictures done and Kennedy was getting her 3 year old pictures done.

A baby in white is beautiful. I can't wait to see her in her two other white dresses. But hopefully that will be quite a few years.

So alert and sitting up so tall. 

Faces of Lexi. 

Smiley girl...

But can be so somber.

Sisters by fate, hopefully best friends one day by choice.

Kennedy loves her new sister. She wants to keep her and not send her back. 

Sometimes Lexi doesn't love Kennedy quite as much yet. 

Kennedy's 3 year stats and pictures. 

Height:  35 inches, 7%
Weight: 26.6 pounds, 6%

I am not sure if I have ever mentioned, but I ask Kennedy all the time if I can have her hair. She has some of the best hair a girl could ask for. 

The attitdues of Kennedy.

Such sassy one.

Lexi's big day. Her blessing Day...June 3, 2012.

Kennedy with Lexi.

Blake and Kennedy Kristin and Lexi.

Great Grandma Connie and Lexi

4 Generation - Grandma Karen, Great Grandma Connie, Lexi, and Kristin

4 Generations of all the girls - Grandma Karen, Grandma Connie, Lexi, Kennedy, and Kristin

Grandpa Bart and his sweet pea

Grandpa Bart, Grandma Karen, and Lexi

Grandma Karen and Lexi

Lexi and mom

Mom, Dad and Lexi

Dad and Lexi

Grandpa Bart, Grandma Karen, Kristin, Lexi, and Blake

The blanket is from when I was blessed as a baby.

Kennedy and Lexi

Great Grandpa Jack and Lexi. We are so blessed to be able to have Blake's grandpa Jack healthy enough to come to Lexi's blessing day.

Great Grandma Bev and Great Grandpa Jack

Great Grandpa Jack

Grandpa Jimmy, Grammy Anne, and Lexi


Grandpa Jimmy, Grammy Anne, Blake, Kristin, and Lexi

Grammy Anne, Kennedy, and Lexi

Grammy Anne and Lexi

Uncle and Lexi

Can't resist taking pictures when babies fall asleep sitting up.


First big smiles...

Kennedy thought it would be fun to put on one of the outfits she wore as a baby and now Lexi is wearing. "Fat man in a little coat!"

Kennedy loves her new swing set. Can't get her off of it. 

New hat for Lexi.

We went with my parents to St.George. We wanted to see the Aladdin at Tuacahn. We thought Kennedy would like it. We headed down to St. George Jun 14-17.

We were unable to take Lexi to the show. We asked our good friend Dana if she wouldn't mind watching Lexi. We didn't have to twist her arm very hard to say yes. 

Our awesome 3D glasses

Grandpa Bart and Grandma Karen

Dad and Kennedy

Jasmine, Aladdin, Genie, Kristin, Kennedy, and Blake.
The Genie had a hard role to play and live up to since Robin Williams was fantastic in the movie. This Genie did awesome. When we went to get our picture Kennedy ran right up to him and gave him the biggest hug. It was so cute!

Getting ready for bed 

Kennedy has started to like to help out with the chores. She loves to vacuum.

Lexi also had her 2 month appointment.
Height: 21.5 inches, 18%
Weight: 9 pounds 9 ounces, 18%
Head Circumstance: 15 inches, 33%

Kennedy and Lexi love their picture taken. Kennedy loves being the big sister and guardian. 

Another sleeping picture.

Our friend/neighbor Lynley invited us over to play one day while I was on maternity leave.  It is amazing how entertained one can be with just a big bucket of water. 

Who knew all you needed was a bucket and not a swimming pool. 

That is Talent!

We also took a day to go swimming as a family at my grandma's pool. I didn't want to swim.  Blake was out of town, so grandpa Bart swam with Kennedy.

Great Grandma Connie and Lexi

Kennedy, Ellie, Aunt Sharon

My cousin Keri and I took the girls to the Roy Aquatic Center.  
Kennedy and Ellie

Sliding is the best she says


Kristin and Kennedy

They had so much fun and we out pretty quick. 

Blake took Kennedy fishing with the neighbors to Steed Ponds.

I didn't teach her this. Dad told her she had to kiss the fish after she would catch it. 

Lexi fishing with dad.

Kennedy and Lily

Kennedy wanted a turn at doing Lexi's hair. Can't say this is one of Lexi's better dos.

Finish Product  - I don't think Lexi is too thrilled.

We also went to the Syracuse Day parade with crew.
Kennedy and Ellie

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